Song-lifting is a compounded word between shoplifting and song.
It means illegal song downloading and this became a problem as the internet developed.
People started sharing musics, movies, videos and many other things in the internet.
It became popular because they could save their money!

In this chart you can see that, Australia leads the pack with almost one download per Internet user (0.98) and 0.88 downloads per person.
The US comes far behind, with 0.31 downloads per person and 0.39 downloads per Internet users.
Internet penetration in the two countries differ a bit. In the US, Internet penetration is 78.3%, and in Australia it is 89.8%.
The global recorded music sales has decreased during 2000~2010 as the illegal downloading have been continuously increased.

World widely the song-lifting has became a major problem, and I would like to discuss the matter with you guise.
Q 1. Have you ever downloaded anything illegally?
Q 2. Why did you did it?
Q 3. Do you think it is a serious problem? If not tell us the reason.
Q 4. How do you think we can stop people downloading illegally?
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